The Secret to Becoming a 7-Figure Bankruptcy Attorney

It’s been two years since I recorded an episode of Bankruptcy Law Success, so I want to explain where I’ve been.
The short answer is that I’ve been on a journey to find an infallible system that any bankruptcy attorney can use to create a practice that frees debtors from the shackles of debt, while also generating a healthy 7-figure income.
At this point, I think I’ve found it. And in this podcast, I explain everything I’ve learned, including:
- Why the first step to bankruptcy success is offering a true $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7 bankruptcy
- The legal underpinnings behind bifurcating a Chapter 7 so masterfully that even a skeptical US Trustee can’t complain
- The painful way that I learned that “zero down” bankruptcies can’t just be the sizzle, it also has to be the steak
- Why the overlooked “too poor to file a traditional bankruptcy” market is the secret to avoiding the typical bankruptcy attorney’s vow of poverty
- How Google Ads can make a bankruptcy attorney rich, but only Facebook Ads can make a bankruptcy attorney wealthy
You can listen to the episode by clicking the “play” button in the audio player above, or read a full transcript below.
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Hi, this is Bob Hiler of the Bankruptcy Law Success podcast where we introduce you to successful bankruptcy lawyers, as well as powerful ideas that can transform your bankruptcy practice. Today, I’m recording a solo episode, so it’s a little different than the usual format. In fact, I think this is the first time that I haven’t interviewed somebody else on this podcast. But today I just wanted to speak to you directly.
I’ll start this podcast by explaining where I’ve been. It’s actually been about 2 years since I recorded a podcast episode. And the reason is that I kind of discovered a pot of gold at the end of the bankruptcy rainbow, and I’ve been busy spending the last 2 years working with my bankruptcy attorney clients to create a map to that pot of gold.
That “pot of gold” that I’m referring to is offering zero-down bifurcated Chapter 7 bankruptcies.
And just in case you’re unfamiliar with how I’m using those terms, let me break them down:
- First, the “$0 down” part means that the client doesn’t have to pay you all the money before you file, or even make a downpayment. They literally pay nothing up front. In fact, what I call a “true $0 down” is when you also front them the $338 court filing fee, and maybe even the credit counselling classes and any fees to order a credit report. At the very least, to be $0 down, you can’t charge upfront for attorney’s fees.
- Second, by “bifurcated,” I mean that you’re splitting the bankruptcy case into 2 parts:
- There’s a pre-petition part where you’ll be collecting documents and doing due diligence… With a $0 down, you won’t be charging anything for that pre-petition portion.
- And there’s also a post-petition portion where you’ll be preparing the petition, doing the SOFA and schedules, and filing the case. And you’ll definitely be charging for this part of the case. In fact, the good news is that since you’re doing all this work after the petition is filed, you’re allowed to create a debt that the client will pay over time, because that debt didn’t exist before the petition was filed, it isn’t subject to being discharged. And that way, you can create a payment plan for the client to pay your attorney’s fees. You can even finance the filing fee for the client, since that’s also considered a post-petition fee.
- And third, by “Chapter 7,” I mean that we’re actually discharging debts with a Chapter 7. And just so there’s no confusion, I’m not talking about doing a so-called “$0 down Chapter 13” where we bake the attorney’s fees into the payment plan, and the client has to pay for 3 to 5 years. I’m talking about doing Chapter 7s, where the client walks away from all eligible debts.
So that’s what I mean when I refer to a “$0 down bifurcated Chapter 7” bankruptcy.
And to get to that “pot of gold” that I promised you, you just have to offer “$0 down bifurcated Chapter 7” bankruptcies to your clients! That’s it, that’s the pot of gold…
Well, to be fair, you also have to adapt your process and sales pitches now that you’re selling bifurcated 7s instead of traditional 7s, which is a step that many attorneys skip. And if you want to really grow your practice, you have to make sure that you market $0 down 7s to potential clients, and you have to go to market with “$0 down” as your primary marketing message.
So we’ll get into this in later episodes, but you can’t talk about your “26 years of experience” as your primary marketing message. The one marketing message that people really respond to is “$0 down,” and that has to be your primary marketing message.
But if you do these things, and I’ve seen repeatedly seen this happen, your bankruptcy practice will become much, much, much more profitable, and it’s also going to be a lot more fun, as well.
So, in this episode, I want to tell you a few stories about how I discovered all this.
Now, the first story is actually about how I discovered that just offering traditional bankruptcies is a pretty terrible business. And again, just so we’re on the same page, before I get into this story, let me explain my words… By “traditional bankruptcy,” I am referring to a regular bankruptcy where the client either pays in full upfront, or maybe they’ll pay a certain amount upfront before the attorney will file, and then the attorney does the 341 after the client pays the full amount. (I don’t know what you call that second type, but I’ve seen a lot of attorneys who do that.)
OK, so, this first story is actually a mystery story. Specifically, it’s the mystery of why my client’s credit card kept declining even when I was sending him lots of cheap $35 leads.
Now, I don’t know if you’ve bought bankruptcy leads on Google before–and specifically Google ads–but $35 per lead is a fantastic result. And because I generated them, I happen to know that 80% of those leads were phone calls, which is great because somebody is only going to pick up a phone if they’re highly motivated. And, because I generated those leads, I can tell you with 100% certainty that every single one of those leads had gone to Google and searched for “bankruptcy” or “bankruptcy lawyer” or “foreclosure lawyer.” So I know that these were great leads. They were the GlenGarry leads.
Plus, I really respected this attorney. He’s really knowledgeable, plus he’s kind and he’s caring and he’s just really good on the phone.
So I figured that with all those leads I was sending him, he’d be rich! But instead, his Google Ads kept on alerting me that his credit card was being declined… And then he asked if we could run the monthly charge for my services on the 10th after he got his Chapter 13 check from the trustee. So something was going on…
So I listened to some recordings of some of his calls. And over and over again, I heard prospects say that they needed to file for bankruptcy, and they wanted to file with him, but that they just didn’t have the $2k or so in cash that he required them to pay him up front. In other words, a huge chunk of his leads were “too poor to file for bankruptcy.”
So I talked to the attorney about this, and he was surprised, so I thought I’d share the reason why he was so surprised. The reason is that he got a lot of clients by referrals, and since the only people who could afford him were rich enough to file bankruptcy, his referral base was referring their friends, and their friends were also rich enough to file for bankruptcy. So before we ran ads to the masses, he wasn’t really seeing as high a percentage of prospects who couldn’t afford to file for bankruptcy. Again, he had been in business for a long time, and built up a large referral base of higher end customers.
So that was the mystery. I was generating lots of leads for this attorney that were people that needed the benefit of bankruptcy, but only like 1 in 5 prospects were actually able to afford to file a traditional bankruptcy. So that’s why the leads converted poorly. And that’s also why he eventually fired me. And I don’t blame him.
What I do blame is the traditional bankruptcy product, where poor clients who may already be getting garnished are supposed to be able to come up with at least a grand in attorney’s fees (and probably closer to two grand). Plus they need the filing fee, and often they need to pay for the classes and the credit report fees themselves. And they need to do all this before they get any debt relief from bankruptcy.
This is just way too much money for most debtors, particularly if they’re already being garnished, and they’ve got a whole long queue of creditors who are waiting to garnish them. So they end up spending years getting garnished, and they suffer in terrible pain for years.
I also want to express some sympathy for the bankruptcy attorneys who are serving those people, because it’s heart wrenching to hear these problems, and then have to turn down debtors because they’re too poor to file bankruptcy. And financially, it’s also very difficult to build a successful practice when you’re turning down four out of five people who are interested in getting your product, because they can’t afford it.
So that’s how I’ve figured out that traditional bankruptcies weren’t a great product to sell. And because my day job is selling marketing services to bankruptcy attorneys, this is all pretty terrible news for me.
So I kept on searching, and that brings us to my second story, which is how I tried marketing everything except bifurcated $0 down 7s.
The story starts when I got a new client who wanted to expand his practice, but he didn’t want to offer a $0 down Chapter 7 because he was scared of his trustee. To be honest, at that time, I didn’t even understand what a $0 down bifurcated 7 even was. So for this client, we just tried advertising for a $0 down Chapter 7 with a third-party guarantor.
In case you haven’t run across this approach before, what you do here is you offer a $0 down payment plan to the client, on the condition that they need to have a rich uncle or a friend to guarantee their payments. This is a regular traditional non-bifurcated bankruptcy, so when the bankruptcy petition is filed, the client’s debt for attorney’s fees is discharged by the bankruptcy. However, that debt doesn’t just disappear, because the guarantor is still on that debt, and will be as long as the guarantor doesn’t have to file for bankruptcy, too.
At this point, from a legal perspective, the guarantor is the only person obligated to make payments on this debt for the bankruptcy. But because of the social “ties that bind”, what usually happens is that the client either makes payments on the debt that are “voluntary,” or sometimes the guarantor will make the payments and the client then pays the guarantor. And I suppose, sometimes, the client will flake out, and the guarantor has to pay.
The exciting part for me, in this story, was that for the first time, I could advertise a $0 down payment plan for a Chapter 7. And it made a huge difference, in that we instantly doubled the amount of leads we got, with very minimal changes. So it was very exciting.
The problem was that the leads still didn’t convert. What happened is that some small percentage of prospects ended up paying in full and filing a regular bankruptcy. But the rest of the prospects didn’t have a rich uncle or friend that could guarantee them. So a $0 down Chapter 7 via a third-party guarantee didn’t convert all that much better than a traditional bankruptcy.
OK, so at this point in this saga, I’ll admit that I was pretty discouraged. The only remaining option seemed to be a $0 down Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and I had already heard from a lot of my clients that a big chunk of their clientele just wanted to stop a foreclosure and then they would never make a single payment on their plan. So they said that you needed to weed out those sorts of clients by getting them to pay something up front. All in all, that approach didn’t sound too promising. And 13s are a lot of work up front, so if you do all the work for a Chapter 13, you create a payment plan, and then you get it confirmed at the confirmation meeting, and then you get ghosted by your client who never makes a payment on the payment plan… It’s pretty depressing.
So, in my search for a good bankruptcy product to sell, I didn’t know what to do next… And then, something kind of miraculous happened. I’m doing this podcast, so I was interviewing lots of bankruptcy attorneys about what’s working for them. And what happened is that I’ll interview somebody, and then we’ll say goodbye, and then we won’t hang up, we’ll talk for a little bit. So what happened is that after one of these interviews, I was doing a little post-interview conversation, and my interviewee (a bankruptcy attorney who was very successful) told me that his firm was filing 200+ bankruptcies a month.
He mentioned this after we had stopped recording the episode. That’s why you never heard this quote, even if you’re a faithful listener to this podcast!
But he told me his secret, and his secret was $0 down bifurcated 7s. So that’s the first time that I realized that bifurcated 7s were really possible, and how they worked, on a high level.
I pressed him a little more, and I guess he was just tired after doing the interview… He didn’t get into a lot of detail with me… But he did mention that he had gotten his start with bifurcated 7s with BK Billing, so I went over to LinkedIn, and I reached out to the founder of BK Billing, his name is David Stidham, and I invited him onto this podcast.
And my interview with David Stidhamthat really opened up my eyes to the power of a $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Basically, it boils down to what David said in that interview, which is that bankruptcy attorneys who might be doing 3 or 4 filings a month, and they switched to doing $0 down bifurcated 7s, so all of a sudden, they’d start doing 15 to 20 filings a month, instead of 3 to 4. And that’s music to my ears, because going from 4 to 20 filings a month is an increase of five times. So clearly bifurcated 7s are increasing the retain rate, and that’s the holy grail that I’ve been looking for.
At the same time, allowing clients to do a payment plan (which is enabled by that bifurcated Chapter 7 bankruptcy), that’s going to destroy the cash flow for any bankruptcy practice. And just to be explicit, the reason why is that if you’re allowing clients to pay over (say) a year. And let’s say that you’re financing $2,400 a year. (I’m just throwing out some numbers.) So if your client is paying you in full, then you’re getting $2,400 today. But if you’re financing it with a bifurcated case, and you’re enabling a payment plan, then you’ll just be getting one-twelfth the amount that you would have gotten if they had paid in full. So you’re getting $200 a month, instead of $2,400.
So the value add that BK Billing played in this whole process is that they’d collect the money from the client for you, and also they’d give you a bunch of cash up front. So, like, if you financed $20k in accounts receivable with them, they’d give you something like $12k up front, they’d keep $5k, and then they’d put something like $3k into an escrow account to cover potential defaults.
I don’t want you to focus on the numbers so much, more on the role that BK Billing is playing.
By the way, it particularly doesn’t matter, because right now, it’s the summer 2021, and my understanding is that BK Billing is still around, but they’re not financing new cases. Now, I’m not 100% sure on that, so if anybody from BK Billing is out there, please contact me and let me know if I’m wrong, and I’ll issue a correction.
I got real excited when I interviewed David Stidham about $0 down bifurcated 7s, but I must admit that I was terribly confused about the legality of all this.
And that brings me to my third story, which is how I actually learned what a $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7 bankruptcy is, including its legal foundations.
This story starts when one of my clients who’s become a good friend, his name is Hector Vega and he’s an attorney in California. He had seen an article he saw in the ABI Journal by an attorney named Dan Garrison. This ended up being the first article about bifurcation that I’d read that actually made sense to me, to the point that I thought it’d be possible one day to understand the legal approach behind bifurcation in bankruptcy. (Before that, I had thought it was like a sacred mystery that I would never understand.)
And because all my clients are bankruptcy attorneys, I knew they would want a detailed explanation of how bifurcation works.
So I read the article a bunch of times, and then I emailed Dan. He had started a company called Fresh Start Funding, that competed with BK Billing. And I interviewed Dan on this podcast, and I finally began to understand the legal foundations of bifurcation.
My big breakthrough here was realizing that I had previously been looking for some kind of national precedent for bifurcation that didn’t exist. Some kind of magical Roe v. Wade for bankruptcy. There is a case that was decided in Utah, it’s called In re Hazlett, and that provides a great precedent in the 10th Circuit. But it’s not a national precedent.
If you go back and look at the various bifurcation cases, you’ll see instead that there’s just been a slow accretion of certain useful guidelines from different opinions. For instance, there’s an opinion in the Walton v Clark and Washington cas, and that established that cashing post-dated checks that were signed pre-petition wasn’t enough to enable post-petition payments. So that’s where the idea of separate contracts for pre- and post-petition work… That’s where that comes from.
And then, in a followup opinion in that same case, and the judge established another useful guideline that you must give a 3-option disclosure to your client, so that after the pre-petition contract is completed, you need to let them know that (1) they have the option to switch to another attorney, (2) they can do their own case pro-se, or (3) they can continue with you. Again, this isn’t a binding precedent, but this opinion created another useful guideline.
By the way, when I talk about this 3-option disclosure to attorneys, every attorney who’s looking to mitigate risk always is worried that clients are going to do their own case pro-se at this point, or switch to another attorney. I have attorneys who have done hundreds of cases, this has never happened to them. So this is kind of a legal concern that I’ve never seen come up in practice. So it’s not something I’d worry about, this is just a brief aside…
There’s also a few more useful guidelines that have come up, that are kind of common sense that have come up in various opinions. For instance, another thing you have to do for a bifurcated 7 is to disclose your post-petition payments to the court. The standard Form 2030 actually makes this hard to do, because that form assumes there is no post-petition payment to the attorney. But Dan Garrison (the same Dan Garrison from earlier) wrote another ABI article called “There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Information.” And that article says that Form 2030 is a Director’s Form, so you can modify the form yourself to suit your needs, subject to Local Rules. So you can modify that form, and make it easy to disclose your post-petition payments to the court. So that’s another common-sense legal hurdle that’s easy to clear.
There’s another issue, which is actually the most common objection that trustees have made in the past, which is that the attorney’s fee for a particular case must be reasonable. And the gold standard here is that your hourly rate times the average number of hours that you spend on each case must be larger than what you charge in attorney’s fees for the post-petition part of your case.
Now, it’s true that the reasonableness test is a steeper climb for bifurcated 7s, since you’re giving away the pre-petition portion of the case, and only charging for the post-petition portion. But it’s also true that bifurcating a case introduces additional work to a bankruptcy case, even if you’re only looking at the post-petition portion. For instance, you have to do a second signing appointment to review and sign your statements and schedules. So that kind of work can increase the hours worked.
And when it comes to the hourly rate, well, in the cases I’ve reviewed, judges have no problems valuing a bankruptcy attorney’s time at whatever they say. I saw somebody claim $325/hour, and the judge accepted that. And if the judge is going to accept a relatively high hourly rate, you’re not going to have to clock a lot of hours on the post-petition part of your average bifurcation case to pass the reasonableness test.
And the final common-sense hurdle here is you need to make sure you pay the court fees first, before you receive a dime from the client or from any financing company. That’s actually the easiest rule to comply with. Either you just pay the court fees first immediately, or you can you put it on your own credit card before you receive any money from the client or financing agency, or you can use an IOLTA account. There’s a lot of different ways…
So I ended up spending a few months learning all this stuff. I got so excited to share this with everybody that I wrote a short book called The Zero Down Bankruptcy Revolution that covered all this stuff. You can actually get this book for free from my website at BK Law In particular, I’ll highlight that there’s actually a long Chapter 2 that covers all the legal foundation that underpins bifurcation (I’ve only skimmed it in this episode). So if you’re concerned in particular about the legal stuff, please read that chapter 2 and see if you can’t get comfortable with this legal approach.
Once I was able to make this legal case to my attorneys, I was able to convince some of my clients to start offering $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7s. Sometimes, they were the first attorney in their district to offer a bifurcated 7! Most of the time, though, there was at least one other attorney already doing bifurcated 7s in their district.
So, what happened next was nothing short of extraordinary. Do you remember how my clients offering traditional 7s were able to close 1 in 5 appointments? What I started seeing was that my clients offering $0 down bifurcated 7s were able to close 4 out of 5 appointments. So they were able to grow their practice several times in just a month, just like David Stidham had promised, all those years ago.
Plus, remember how there’s a whole pool of people out there who are too poor to afford a traditional bankruptcy? By actually offering a true $0 down 7, we were able to tap into that huge market for the first time!
I actually got really excited about this, because normally, to do more traditional bankruptcies, you need to have a very motivated buyer, because the buyer is going to need to come up with like $2k at the lowest point of their lives. And to find those motivated buyers, you need to get in front of people who go on Google and search for “bankruptcy.” So you either need to either rank better on Google (either organically, or in the “map pack,” or something, some kind of SEO approach), or you need to buy Google Ads. I’m well aware of all this, because I help my clients buy Google Ads every day, and I also help some of them with their local SEO efforts.
Now, just looking at the Google Ads, the problem with these Google Ads is two-fold. First, the leads from Google Ads are very expensive. And second, they’re not enough of them. In fact, I work with many attorneys who are buying all the Google Ads in their area, and would happily buy more, but they can’t, like, go into people’s homes and force people out there in the real world to search for “bankruptcy.” So there’s a cap on the supply of Google Ads.
The corollary here is that the percentage of people who are ready and able to file bankruptcy is a miniscule fraction of the population. If the numerator is people who are motivated buyers for bankruptcy, and the denominator is everybody in a particular region, you’re looking at a very small percentage of the population.
So if you’re just looking at motivated buyers, it doesn’t make sense to advertise to the masses, because you’re going to be “wasting” most of your ad spend on people who couldn’t afford a traditional bankruptcy.
But you know all those people who are “too poor to afford traditional bankruptcy”? Literally nobody is trying to reach those people. And even if they talk to a traditional bankruptcy lawyer, they’re going to get rejected since they don’t have money burning a hole in their pocket… There are SO MANY of these people, because the “too poor to afford traditional bankruptcy” market is so larger than the market of people who have financial difficulties and $2,000 in their pocket.
This creates a huge opportunity for us to try advertising to the masses. And that means that advertising on Facebook is a real possibility.
And that brings us to our last story for this podcast episode, which is the story of how I learned to generate huge amounts of cheap leads for bankruptcy on Facebook, and turn them into filings.
I’ll start this story in March 2020. An experienced bankruptcy attorney who had just hung up his own shingle hired me to help him start his own practice. He had no leads whatsoever, but he believed in the promise of $0 down bankruptcies, so he was actually an ideal client for me.
Also, a lot of attorneys want to move into bankruptcy, and have no experience and think it’s going to be easy because you just have to “fill out forms,” but it’s actually a little tricky. So the fact that he had years of experience as a bankruptcy attorney was very appealing and made me excited to work with him.
We started actually advertising on Google Ads, but after only a few days, we ran into this terrible tragedy, which is that Google suspended his account for “violations of terms and conditions.” Moreover, they refused to tell us exactly what we had done that was wrong. So I just looked it up, and the account was suspended on March 18th, and that was when the pandemic was getting really serious. That meant that Google had sent its customer support staff home and stopped providing phone support of any kind. Because this was supposedly a violation of terms and conditions, they actually refused to provide any kind of intelligent feedback whatsoever. So we were left in the dark.
So what we would do is, I would stare at his account for a few hours, I’d change one thing, we would submit an appeal using a contact form on Google’s website, and then we would pray that we had changed the right thing and we’d wait a week or two.
We did this repeatedly, and until finally Google on June 18th, exactly 3 months later, they decided that my client’s account was A-OK after all. So that was great, but in the meantime, for the 3 months of this poor guy’s bankruptcy practice, Google Ads weren’t working for him, and that had historically been the most reliable method I had for generating leads.
Luckily, I had been experimenting with Facebook ads for a while by then, so I had something ready to hotswap in for Google Ads. So I started running Facebook Ads for him on March 25th, a week after we got dinged by Google on March 18th.
The good news is that the Facebook ads worked!
In April 2020, the first full month we ran this strategy, the attorney had filed 17 bankruptcies, 12 of which came from the Facebook leads. Don’t forget, of course, leads take some time to mature, and he ended up filing a lot more bankruptcies from those same leads.
Now that I’ve restarted my podcast, I plan to interview a lot of my clients, including this one. So hopefully, he’ll be on the podcast soon to tell you more about his results. But he continues to use Facebook, along with Google, and he continues to have great results.
In fact, last month, in June 2021, he filed 50 cases, which is pretty amazing for two reasons. First, it’s hard to generate enough leads to convert 50 of them into bankruptcy filings in just one month. Of course, the attorney deserves credit for generating organic leads and referrals, but a lot of the leads came from Google and Facebook.
And also, I’m actually amazed at my attorney being able to file 50 cases in one month, especially considering he only has a full-time assistant and a part-time intake person.
This brings up another kind of unsung part of why $0 down bankruptcies are so powerful. What happens a lot is that attorneys don’t even realize it, but they’re wasting a huge percentage of their time talking to all these prospects who are too poor to file bankruptcy, and they end up wasting maybe 50% of their time talking to people that they can’t help under any circumstance.
And by focusing your time and attention just on those people who can be helped with a $0 down bankruptcy, which is most everybody that has a job, then you can file way more cases, because the people that you talk to end up filing with you, so you don’t waste more than 50% of your time talking to prospects who can’t afford anything. So that’s a really unappreciated part of $0 down bankruptcy.
So it’s been an amazing ride. And it all started when I began to believe in the promise of a true $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
I mean, I believe in it so much that I wrote that book, and I called it The Zero Down Bankruptcy Revolution!
At this point, I’ve figured out how to generate leads from both Facebook and Google, and I’ve also continued to experiment on the exact best “funnel” to turn leads from Google and Facebook into filings. And believe me, the way you turn a red-hot Google lead into a bankruptcy filing is going to be way different than the way you turn a lukewarm Facebook lead into a filing. But if you do it right, both types of leads convert into a filing very very well.
At this point, all of my clients offer a $0 down bankruptcy. This sounds intentional, but to be honest, all my clients who I convinced to do $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7s started making a ton of money. And at the same time, all my non clients who were bankruptcy attorneys offering traditional bankruptcies slowly fired me.
So eventually, I just accepted this reality and it’s actually been a while now where I’ve only been accepting clients who were willing to offer $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7s. And that’s just because if a client isn’t willing to offer a $0 down bifurcated Chapter 7, they’re going to fire me after a few months anyway. And to be honest, my business runs a lot smoother when all my clients are making money and they’re happy. So it does make sense for me, too.
If you’ve gotten this far in the podcast and you want to understand the legal underpinnings of bifurcation, your next step is probably to read Chapter 2 of my book. To get my book as both a free PDF and a free audiobook, you can just go to my website at and click the “get the free ebook” button at the top of the page.
You know what? If you’re an actual bankruptcy attorney and you want a free physical copy of my book, I’ll even mail one to you. Just send me an email… I’ll set up an email account, we’ll call it [email protected]. And include your name and address. I’ll do a quick Google search to make sure you’re a practicing attorney, and I’ll mail you a free copy. I’ll even mail you a copy if you’re a trustee or bankruptcy judge, because I honestly believe our industry needs to embrace bifurcation, and to do that, we need to open up more minds to a new way of offering Chapter 7s.
And if you already understand the legal underpinnings of bifurcation, or better yet, you’re already offering $0 down bifurcated bankrutpcies, and you maybe want to talk to somebody who knows how to market that for you, you can go to my website at, and click the “talk to Bob” button to schedule some time with me.
OK, well, that’s it!
This podcast is going to be very focused on $0 down bankruptcies for a while, so I hope you like this new direction. My goal is to help create a new generation of 7 figure bankruptcy attorneys who are offering $0 down bifurcated bankruptcies, and who are freeing debtors from the shackles of debt that are “too poor to file bankruptcy.” So if any part of that resonates with you, hopefully you’ll love this new direction. Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you on the next episode!